What Is An 'AI Failure' Error And Why Does It Happen?

YourAI is a great way to make your content creation easy with blogs, images, images and audios, but it does use technology like ChatGPT in the background and occasionally, it's possible to get an AI Failure ...

And this is when you get our one and only error message. It's the 'AI Failure' error that appears in a confirm box at the top of your screen once you've made a request, and it means one of two things has happened:

- Sometimes, it's possible that the AI doesn't know what you're talking about. This could be because you were either too specific or it doesn't have knowledge on the subject. For example, if you're trying to ask about something specific that happened over Christmas, then the AI will fail because it has a knowledge cutoff of around April 2023.

Alternatively, you've requested something that it just doesn't understand. This could be because you misspelt your request or got so specific it tied itself up in knots and couldn't answer. Either way, it could return an AI Failure error in a confirm box at the top of your browser. Rest assured that no tokens were deducted.

- The second reason you may get an AI Failure is to do with AI's rules. Although you can ask it to write something in the style of Socrates or Wordsworth you can't get it to be more specific about public figures or celebrities, or even brands. This is because the AI we use (ChatGPT, DALL-E and the Open AI API) has rules about this sort of thing.

So, you'll never get YourAI to generate a picture of the exact likeness of Scarlett Johansson, but it could create someone similar. However, remember that it also has rules around decency so you're never going to get it to produce anything rude or embarrassing. You'll just get an AI Failure instead.

YourAI is a powerful tool to help you with your content creation, but do remember that we can only work within the framework of rules that Open AI gives us. If you see an AI Failure message, be sure we didn't deduct any tokens, then rework your request and see if that helps.

It really is a simple fix.